Frequently asked questions

  • 1. Help, I do not know how to run Rachota !
  • 2. Is it possible to set location of diary files ?
  • 3. How do I run Rachota in my language ?
  • 4. How come I cannot get private tasks highlighted in working hours chart ?
  • 5. By the way, what does "Rachota" word mean ?
  • 6. Is it possible to change how often diary file gets saved ?
  • 7. Can I force Rachota to use different font ?
  • 8. Is there a way to change default encoding ?

  • 1. Help, I do not know how to run Rachota !

    Rachota is distributed as so called Java Archive (*.jar) and to launch it you need to have Java Runtime Environment (JRE) installed. If you are not sure whether you have JRE installed or not, type java -version on command line and press Enter. If your system does not recognize java command, download and install
    JRE 1.5 or higher. Once you have it installed, Rachota can be run by the following command:
      java -jar rachota_20.jar

    2. Is it possible to set location of diary files ?

    Yes, in order to do that use -userdir switch. If you for example want to have diary files stored in directory D:\rachota\diaries, run Rachota this way:
      java -jar rachota_20.jar -userdir=D:\rachota\diaries

    3. How do I run Rachota in my language ?

    Rachota tries to find out your country and language automatically however if your locales are not set correctly, use standard Java options to select desired localization, for example:
      java -Duser.language=en -jar rachota_20.jar
    Note: Rachota is translated into Czech, German, Japanese, Russian, Portuguese, Spanish and English languages currently. The following table helps to find out appropriate switches. Furthermore, if you want to use national characters in description of your tasks, you might want to know
    how to change default encoding.
    LocalizationLanguage codeCountry code

    4. How come I cannot get private tasks highlighted in working hours chart ?

    This happens when Count private tasks setting is turned off. Invoke System | Settings ... from main menu and check this option.

    5. By the way, what does Rachota word mean ?

    Rachota is a Czech word and basically means a manual work or a labour. It has slightly negative meaning though. It stands for something you will have to do after weekend but you do not look forward to.

    6. Is it possible to change how often diary file gets saved ?

    Yes, of course. By default, diary and settings files are saved every 30 seconds and if you want to change this period open your <userdir>\settings.cfg file and adjust value of savingPeriod setting to desired number of seconds. For example, if you want to have the files saved every minute, use this statement:
      savingPeriod = 60

    7. Can I force Rachota to use different font ?

    Yes, this is possible. All you need to do is to modify fontName and fontSize settings in your <userdir>\settings.cfg configuration file. If the font is not found, Rachota will use default one. For example, if you prefer 12 points Microsoft Sans Serif font, use this statement:
      fontName = Microsoft Sans Serif
      fontSize = 12

    8. Is there a way to change default encoding ?

    Sure. You can achieve this by changing systemEncoding setting in your <userdir>\settings.cfg configuration file. For example, if you need KOI8-R encoding, use this statement:
      systemEncoding = KOI8-R

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    Last update: October 12, 2006