This article is translated to Ukrainian language as a courtesy of StudyCrumb essay writing service.

  History view allows to take a look at data measured in the past. You can specify exact period of time that you are interested in. The selection should be done in three easy steps.

1. Select suitable time unit

Use Period pulldown menu to select the most appropriate unit of time depending on total period you want to see. You can choose one of four values: day, week, month and year.

2. Set one time border

Use or buttons to move in time until you see required data either from the beginning or the end of the desired period from history.

3. Expand period as needed

Finally adjust numbers of period units that should also be taken into account. Either type the values manually or use up/down arrow buttons.

Let us say we want to see data from the first quarter of year 2005. Firstly it is necessary to select month from the Period pulldown menu. Secondly we repeat clicking button until we see January, 2005 in the period textfield. Now we only need to enter number 2 into the field behind the button so that also February and March are included.

Hint: If you click the period textfield you will quickly get back to actual day/week/month or year.